Huaraz and the Llanganooko Santa Cruz trek

22 Jun 2004 5:33 pm


Klaus dancing with the chickens in Huaraz


In case you were wondering where all those yummy guinea pigs come from…We found this guinea pig slum on our roof in Huaraz.

Through the miracle of email, Klaus (from the Solar de Uyuni trip) and I stayed in touch and met in Huaraz to trek Llanganooko Santa Cruz. Despite the fact that it is winter in Peru, I’ve agreed to make this 4 day journey 4,700 meter journey because it was reported to be one of the most beautiful treks in all of South America. Yes it was one of the most beautiful treks I’ve ever made but it was also the coldest trek. Think get in your tent at 6pm and pray for morning kind of cold.


Flora, Gabriel and Klaus sit down to dinner


Klaus cheers Laura up with vino tino del la caja

Klaus and I hired a guide, Flora, a donkey, Poncho, and a donkey driver, Gabriel. This way, the donkey coud carry all our stuff (+ wine), the guide could cook and all we had to do was stay warm. Travel tip: if you want to stay warm, don’t leave your gloves and shell in your pack on the donkey. You won’t see your donkey or your stuff until the end of the day. Even when carrying all your stuff, they get their 3x as fast as you.


Punta Union pass


Over Punta Union looking down the next valley and the way out.

mountain_roadThe road back to Huaraz. Check your brakes.

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